90% of all goods and products are transported by sea. A daily routine for shipping companies and seafarers. But for many others, the maritime world remains invisible. That is why the employees of Wagenborg and Niestern Sander take you into the world of shipbuilding and shipping. Welcome to our monthly 'EasyMax journal'. In this edition we talk about the start of the construction and purchasing the main components of the ship.
90% of all goods and products are transported by sea. A daily routine for shipping companies and seafarers. But for many others, the maritime world remains invisible. That is why the employees of Wagenborg and Niestern Sander take you into the world of shipbuilding and shipping. Welcome to our monthly 'EasyMax journal'. In this edition we talk about the start of the construction and purchasing the main components of the ship.
Shipyard Royal Niestern Sander recently successfully completed the LNG conversion project of the passenger vessel Münsterland. The ship has been put back into service by AG Ems on the service to Borkum.
Recently, Royal Niestern Sander has delivered Koenigsborg, the third converted walk to work emergency response and rescue vessel (W2W ERRV) for Wagenborg Offshore.
Shipyard Royal Niestern Sander has been awarded a contract for the conversion of a walk to work emergency response and rescue vessel (W2W ERRV) by Wagenborg Offshore. This project will be the third walk to work conversion on the Dutch shipyard.
Last weekend yard number 862 was launched successfully at shipyard Royal Niestern Sander. The world's first ice breaking walk to work vessel is one step closer to delivery and operations in harsh weather conditions in Sakhalin. To be continued!